All-New Summertime MCACN Muscle Car Meet Up Set For Saturday, June 25th at Gilmore Car Museum
Michigan’s Gilmore Museum Introduces Muscle Car and Corvette Nationals Summer Show

(Hickory Corners, Mich. / March 21, 2022) - The world’s premiere indoor muscle car show, and one of the world’s finest auto museums, have forged a partnership that will bring an unrivaled summertime celebration of American Muscle to the Michigan countryside. The MCACN Muscle Car Meet Up on the lawns of the Gilmore Car Museum, in Hickory Corners, Michigan, promises to be a “fun & casual midsummer meet up” and driving event for muscle and high-performance car owners. Intentionally, the show will not include rigorous and formal points-based judging, but instead “favorite pick” awards by both MCACN and Gilmore staff, a swap meet, live rock band, curated backroads driving tour routes, a live remote radio broadcast, and more.
The MCACN Muscle Car Meet Up will showcase classic American muscle cars from the 1960s and 70s, but is open to modern muscle like today’s high-performance Chevrolet Camaros, Ford Mustangs, and Dodge Challengers. Show car registration will be $20, and will include vehicle entry, plus admission for its driver and one passenger. As a fundraising effort, 100% of the event’s show car registration funds will be directed to construction of the planned mid-century modern 1960s dealership building on the Gilmore campus, to house its new standalone Muscle Car Museum.
The central show field of the Gilmore Car Museum campus will be reserved for a MCACN exhibit, and an exclusive “outdoor feature display space” for only MCACN-invited special and notable muscle cars, and their owners. It should serve as a unique and picturesque display opportunity on the Gilmore’s green lawns, surrounded by its towering red barns and classic 1941 diner.
Spectator access to the MCACN Muscle Car Meet Up will be included in standard daily admission to the museum on Saturday, June 25th ($16 Adults/Seniors; $11 Youth Ages 11-17; FREE Children Ages 10 and under; FREE Active Military).
“For muscle car owners, I can’t imagine a better spot for a summertime drive and outdoor car show than the beautiful Michigan countryside and spectacular Gilmore Car Museum – located midway between Chicago and Detroit,” said Bob Ashton, Managing Member of MCACN. “Our Gilmore community of car enthusiasts will be thrilled about this new collaboration, and deeply appreciative of MCACN’s commitment to help us fundraise to build our new Muscle Car Museum,” added Josh Russell, Executive Director of the Gilmore Car Museum.
MCACN Muscle Car Meet Up activities will run from 9am – 4pm ET on Saturday, June 25th, 2022. On that same day, general museum hours of operation run from 9am – 6pm ET.
Additional details will be announced on the website in the coming weeks. For online pre-registration of Muscle Cars participating in the show, visit:
For general museum questions or more information call (269) 671-5089 or email
About Gilmore Car Museum
The world-renowned Gilmore Car Museum – North America’s largest auto museum with more than 400 vehicles on display -- is located midway between Chicago and Detroit, just 20 minutes north of Kalamazoo, or 45 minutes south of Grand Rapids. The museum is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, whose mission is to tell the history of America through the automobile. Learn more at
About Muscle Car and Corvette Nationals (MCACN)
MCACN is the world's largest all-indoor car show devoted to muscle cars, dealer-built supercars, and Corvettes. MCACN’s annual show at Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont, Illinois, attracts more than 500 of the nation’s finest examples of American Muscle for featured display. It’s the ultimate gathering place for enthusiasts, young and old, who have a passion for horsepower. Plan to attend MCACN on November 19-20, 2022. Learn more at